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Online & In-Person Vocal Coaching with Pippa​

Expert guidance in a supportive, confidence-building environment.


With 25 years of experience, I specialise in helping adults overcome confidence barriers and find their authentic voice through gentle yet effective holistic techniques. I particularly enjoy working with those facing technical challenges or who have experienced voice problems, helping them rebuild strength, flexibility, and confidence in their sound.

Whether you're an actor, singer, or simply looking to improve your voice, my tailored approach will help you grow in a way that feels natural and empowering.

I offer flexible, online lessons lasting 30-minutes, 45-minutes, or 1-hour. While I’m currently teaching online, I also offer in-person lessons at your space or home. I am based in the Tees Valley and charge for petrol for this service. Please contact me to discuss this further.


If you're ready to explore your voice in a safe, nurturing space, click here to get in touch and book your first session, or email


*Please note: I am actively searching for a dedicated studio teaching space.

​For Those Experiencing Voice Issues


If you are a performer living in the North East of the United Kingdom and experiencing vocal issues, your general practitioner (GP) may refer you to the Speech and Language Therapy Department at Freeman Hospital. Within this department, we offer the Performers Clinic—a highly specialised service that operates once a month to address the unique needs of performers.


I am privileged to work within the Performers Clinic under the supervision of Consultant Head and Neck Surgeon/Laryngologist and Clinical Lead SLT Natalie Eastwood. Together, we bring a combined expertise to support you on your journey toward recovery.


As this role is not yet officially recognised by the NHS, I volunteer my time at the clinic. My work is guided by a robust hospital contract, rigorous departmental competencies, ensuring the highest standards of care and professionalism.





  • Performers Clinic, Freeman Hospital in Newcastle

Clinical Vocal Rehabilitation Coach (clinic runs monthly).

Celebrating Excellence Award. Volunteer of the Year. Newcastle Hospitals. 2022.


  • Voice Study Centre - Accredited by Essex University and the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD)

Tutor/ Lecturer, MA Professional Practice Voice Pedagogy. 


  • Manchester Metropolitan University, School of Digital Arts Research TeamEvaluating voice activated virtual reality artworks.


Collaborators include:

- Lead researcher Dr. Adinda van ‘t Klooster, Senior lecturer interdisciplinary arts, School of Digital Arts (SODA), Manchester Metropolitan University. 
- Andrew Irvine, research associate, School of Digital Arts (SODA), Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester.
- Dr Robyn Dowlen, post-doctoral researcher, Edge Hill University.



  • British Association for Performing Arts Medicine (BAPAM)

Vocal Health Working Group team member.





Multidisciplinary Breath Support. How the multidisciplinary team can support a singer with dysfunctional breathing patterns. A joint workshop with Millie Fasakin. Newcastle Voice Conference 2024. The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. (Dec 2024).


Immersion and Expression. Voice controlled VR art interfaces: Can VR art be a route to improving wellbeing? Event organiser Dr. Adinda van ’t Klooster and School of Digital Arts (SODA) at Manchester Metropolitan University. (Feb 2024). 


Voicing Objects. Voice of improvised soundtrack for a new moving image artwork by Dr Olivia Turner. Exhibition curated by Olivia Turner, Sally Waite, and Leah Wild. Great North Museum: Hancock. (14th Jan-14 April 2024). 


Speech-Language Therapists and Vocal Rehabilitation Coaches: Toward a Symbiotic Relationship.

Poster presentation. Placed 3rd. Research Ethics Conference 2023 (REC2023). University of Bath and Online. (July 2023).


Therapy Approaches for the Performer: Beyond Direct Voice Exercises. A joint workshop with Natalie Eastwood. Newcastle Voice Conference 2022. The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. (September 2022).


The Role of the Vocal Rehabilitation Coach: Ethical Principles and Considerations.' A joint presentation with Natalie Eastwood. Staying in Lane: Exploring the Boundary Line Between Teaching Singing and Therapeutic Practice. Voice Study Centre Symposium. (November 2021).


The Role of the Voice Coach in the Multi-disciplinary Clinic. Association of Teachers of Singing (AOTOS). (June 2021). 


Speech and Language Therapists and Vocal Coaches. A joint presentation with Natalie Eastwood and Professor David Clarke. North East Speech and Language Therapy Research Network Symposium. (June 2020).


Vocal Rehabilitation for Performers: The Good, the Bad and the Elite! A joint presentation with Natalie Eastwood. NE Voice Clinical Excellence Network. (February 2020). 


Healthy Voice in the Classroom. NEPS Conference. Newcastle University. (January 2020).


Speech Language Therapists and Practitioners of Voice: Building Bridges and Developing a Symbiotic Relationship. Postgraduate Student Research Conference. Newcastle University. (January 2020).


Muscle Tension Dysphonia in Performing Artists: Towards a Therapeutic Strategy. NEPG Biomedical Conference. Newcastle. (November 2019).


​​The Impact of a Critical Incident for Professional Voice Users. Voice Geek Conference. Colchester. (April 2019).


EXAMPLES OF WORKSHOPS (Not Comprehensive).


  • Singing for Lung Health Training - Joint workshop with founder of The Musical Breath, Pheone Cave. Online. (2024).

  • Voicing Objects Workshop - Great North Museum Hancock and Newcastle University. (2024).

  • Speaking Poetry - Samling Institute for Young Artists. Northumbria University. (2023). 

  • Voice Support - FAT CHANCE. Live Theatre Newcastle and Edinburgh Festival. (2022).

  • Voicing Histories - Great North Museum Hancock and Newcastle University. (2022).

  • Spoken Voice in PerformanceSamling Institute for Young Artists. (2022).

  • Healthy Practice Series; Looking After Your Voice - Online. BAPAM. (2021/22).

  • A Masterclass on Vocal Health (Online) - University Chamber Choir. (2021).

  • Vocal Health Workshop (Online) - Samling Institute for Young Artists. (2020).

  • Voice for Wellbeing (Online) - The Watermill Theatre. (2020).

  • Vocal Health for Actors - Theatre Royal Newcastle – Project A and Invited Professional Actors. (2020).

  • Voice for Teachers & Lecturers - Newcastle University. (2020).

  • Exploring Accents and Extreme Voices - Teesside University. (2019).

  • Vocal Health Consultancy - Pride & Prejudice (*sort of) Blood of the Young. Northern Stage. Newcastle. (2019).

  • Vocal Health Consultancy - SHINE. Live Theatre Newcastle. (2019).

  • Protecting the Touring Voice - Northumberland Theatre Company. (2019).



  • Singing for Health Network.

  • Equity.​​

  • Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT Assistant).



  • Master of Letters - MLitt Music. Newcastle University. 

Florence Hilda Yates Full Scholarship Recipient. Research area: the role of the voice coach in a clinical setting.

HaSS Research Institutes Awards Recipient. 2018-2021 Development of Voice Research Forum at Newcastle University (in collaboration with Prof. Stephen McHanwell and Prof. Jennifer Richards). 

Alumni Achievement Award: Alumni Impact. Highly Commended. Newcastle University. 2022.

  • Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Practice. Cardiff Metropolitan University. 

Research area: vocal health.​

  • Certificate in Education (CertEd). Teesside University. (Teaching in the Life Long Learning Sector).

  • Company Course - Acting Training at Academy Drama School, London (Post Grad Equivalent).

  • The Knack. Singing Voice Training at Baylis Programme, English National Opera (Vocational Course).

  • Certificate of Higher Education. Dartington College of Arts. (Theatre/Visual Performance).


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         ©Pippa Anderson 2021-2025

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